June 26, 2011

{3 Months}...

Daisy is three months old! My baby is getting big! She can now roll from her tummy to her back! She loves to suck on her fingers and always has her hands pressed together like she is praying, so flipping cute!! She is still sleeping great through the night but doesn't nap very well in the day:( I think she is afraid she is going to miss out on something! It's ok though because I'm obsessed with her bright blue eyes! I really just stare at her all day! I'm hoping she will nap better though so I can maybe take a shower or clean my house... ya knowthe kinda stuff that goes out the window when your trying to figure out a new baby! She is just so much fun! I love getting her up in the morning because I'm always welcomed with her bright and happy grin!! Being a mommy is the toughest thing I have ever done but it is the greatest blessing and I'm sooooo grateful for this sweet spirit!

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