June 26, 2011

{My Brother And The Flat Tire}...

So awhile back my cute brother was nice enough to come run some errands with me. We were just getting off the exit when I realized that I had a flat tire. So I pull into the parking lot at Kohl's so we could take a look at it. I got out of the car and this idiot guy shouts over at me (as my brother and I were looking at the tire) "Hey did you know your tire is flat?} No, dude I just like getting out to stare at my tires! I mean really?!? Anyway, my first thought was to call Adam. Spencer assured me that he had done it once and could do it again. (I do admit I kinda doubted him for a second.) So, being the supportive sis that I was you'd think I would have stayed there to help assist him, but know I went into Kohl's and did some shopping!! He called me about fifteen minutes later to tell me it was all done:) Spen, thanks for the adventure you are seriously the bomb! We never have a dull moment when we hang out!

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