May 30, 2016

{MeMoRiAl DaY...}

{Color Me Mine...}

May 26, 2016

{Ladies Who Lunch...}

Such a fun day at Station Park with Aunt Natalie! We sure do love her!

May 21, 2016

{Preschool Graduate!!...}

Happy Preschool Graduation Day Dais! We are so very proud of you! We went to the cutest program ever and she sang her little heart out and was so happy! I can't believe preschool is over. She has had the best experience the last two years. Miss Lisa and Miss Shaun are the absolute best! So wish I could keep her little forever! Kindergarten here she comes!

{Baby Let's Dance!...}

What a busy dance week it has been! It's been so fun watching my baby and my other L2D children dance! I'm such a proud momma and teacher! All the hard work pays off when you see these beautiful dancers take the stage! So lucky to do what I do! I can't believe the dance season is over! I work with the best of the best and I'm so lucky! Daisy has learned so much from each of her teachers and I can't wait to see what next year will bring-:)Congrats to Daisy's class for taking first place overall at every competition they attended!! Cutest Bathing Beauties ever!

{Mother's Day...}

To my Darling Daisy~To the beautiful baby girl that made me a mommy...I love you with all that I am and all that I have. Being your mommy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The spirit I felt the day you were born is something that I quite can't describe. You are such a special spirit and I thank you for waiting so long for me and making me believe an still believe that miracles do happen. I hope I will always do right by you. My hope is that you always stay kind and true to who you are. You are my angel, my best friend, and my beautiful daughter. I love you so very much! Love~Mommy To my handsome baby boy~Even though we haven't met I feel a very special connection with you. You are our second miracle and you are joining our family at the perfect time-:) You have a big sister that is anxiously awaiting your arrival and you are so very lucky to have her! I just know you'll have a strong bond and learn so much from each other. We can't wait to meet you sweet boy! Keep growing big and strong! Mommy loves you! Love~Mommy

{Dance Pics...}

My cute girl rocked her pixie class this year! Her dance was "Teach Me How To Shimmy" and she was so darling! Her shimmy face was the absolute best! She has grown so much this year and I have been so proud of her-:) I about died when I saw her group pic!! I asked her what she was thinking about and she said "I was just thinking...everyone just smile so we can get the show on the road!" Love this funny girl so dang much!

{Just Couture Shoot...}

Daisy got the fun opportunity to shoot for Just Couture Dresses! She nailed it! She loves to model and see her cute friends-:)

(We're PREGNANT!!...}

After a long three year struggle we are finally PREGNANT!! Daisy is going to be a big sister to a baby BOY coming in November! We are over the moon excited and feel so incredible blessed! This baby is a true miracle that we have prayed so long for! We held on to our faith and never gave up We are just so happy!


May 20, 2016

{Competition Fan Club...}

Motion Tour! I love watching my baby dance! So grateful for her little cheering section today!


Teaching great-grandma how to play Spot It-:)

{I don't want to forget...}

I never want to forget how much she loves to be outside and most recently to have us follow her on her bike rides. I love how one block can take 20 minutes because she has to stop and talk to every animal or bug she see to make shrug they know she won't hurt them because Heavenly Father made them. I love how she stops to pick every dandelion. I love how she always looks back with her cute smile to make sure we are still there. I love how she waves to everyone that drives by. I love how she'll pedal so fast and then immediately stop and say how "estahsted" she is. I just LOVE being her mommy!