May 21, 2016

{Mother's Day...}

To my Darling Daisy~To the beautiful baby girl that made me a mommy...I love you with all that I am and all that I have. Being your mommy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The spirit I felt the day you were born is something that I quite can't describe. You are such a special spirit and I thank you for waiting so long for me and making me believe an still believe that miracles do happen. I hope I will always do right by you. My hope is that you always stay kind and true to who you are. You are my angel, my best friend, and my beautiful daughter. I love you so very much! Love~Mommy To my handsome baby boy~Even though we haven't met I feel a very special connection with you. You are our second miracle and you are joining our family at the perfect time-:) You have a big sister that is anxiously awaiting your arrival and you are so very lucky to have her! I just know you'll have a strong bond and learn so much from each other. We can't wait to meet you sweet boy! Keep growing big and strong! Mommy loves you! Love~Mommy

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