May 20, 2016

{Daisy Turns 5!!...}

Daisy girl~We can't believe you are officially 5 today!! Words can't express how much we love and adore you! Everyone that meets you falls in love with your hilarious personality and sweet spirit! Daisy, thanks for being you and for bringing so much happiness and joy into our lives. We are honored to be your parents. You are our perfect little miracle and we love you so very much! Happy 5th Birthday Beautiful!! We spend the day with birthday pancakes, presents, playing at the Treehouse Museum, eating lunch at McDonald's, getting yummy treats at Sweet Tooth Fairy, and just enjoying every moment together today. She kept saying "Mom is it true?!? Am I really five?!?" I asked her if he felt different now that she was five. She was concerned that her feet and hands didn't look any bigger. She then said "Well I do notice my bum is a little bigger!" She's my favorite!! She's the funniest and I just love being her mom and sharing our birthday days together!

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