May 20, 2016

{Next Chapter...}

Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a school teacher. I never wavered...I knew without a shadow of doubt that teaching was my calling in life. I've spent the past eleven years doing what I love so much...teaching kids. Through these years I've met so many wonderful children, families, and staff members, that have left a permanent mark on my hear that I'll always hold close. With much thought and consideration I have decided to close this chapter in my life for now and focus more and teach the child that needs me the most, and that's my sweet Daisy. I will miss being a school teacher so much but I'm so excited to be a full time mom and focus more on my darling husband and daughter! A big thanks to my dream team partner Ashley. She is amazing and I feel honored to have taught along side her. Looking forward to the future and what lies ahead!

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