August 28, 2017

{First Days of being a FIRST GRADER!!!...}

First Grade Fun!!

{Mommy to MYSELF!!...}

"First Day having Mommy all to MYSELF!" I'm sure going to miss my Sissy being at school all day, but I'm excited to have some Dash + Mommy time! I wonder if Mommy is as fun as my Sissy?"

August 26, 2017

{Smiling Guy...}

He smiles even when he is sick! Double ear infections for my sweet guy-:(

August 25, 2017

{First Grader!!...}

"OH THE PLACES I WILL GO" We have a first grader! We walked to school as a family and I couldn't help buy feel my heavy heart let up just a little when I saw how excited she was! She is so ready! I'm sure I will be in time too-:) Daisy~We love you and are so very proud of you! Today is a BIG day! One that you'll never forget! You will learn more this year than you can imagine and I can't wait to see all you will accomplish! Remember to always be sweet, kind, and a friend to everyone! Shine Bright my beautiful girl! Love~Mom

August 21, 2017

{It's About Time!!...}

This funny boy decided he was FINALLY big enough to hold his own bottle! Love him so much!

August 20, 2017

{County Fair!!...}

When the FAIR comes to town!!

{Hooray For First Grade...}

This is how she feels about starting First Grade this week! And I'm over in here in a puddle of emotion-:(I seriously start crying every time I talk about it. I need to GET.A.GRIP. I'm sure going to miss my bestie all day every day! Such a fun pic she shot for a casting call for

{L2D Convention 2017!...}

L2D In-House Convention was a hit! The dancers had so much fun and worked with some amazing choreographers! Everyone was so awesome and learned so much! Great job to my Daisy girl for dancing for 10 hours the past two days! You are a ROCKSTAR!! So proud of you and all my cute dancers! I'm excited to see what this year will bring!

August 17, 2017

{It's What FUN is!!...}

Fun times at family Lagoon night last night! Uncle Dallas was the hero and earned the girls emoji balls and Beckett a bat! We missed Daddy and Dash who were home sick with colds-:(

August 16, 2017


"Mama LOOK she really came!" Her excited face was priceless!! 10 bucky and the sweetest personal note from the Tooth Fairy! Lucky girl!...I'm in love with her new little smile!

August 15, 2017

{Tooth Fairy is COMING!!...}

She's waited FOREVER she says about losing her first tooth..She has watched as friends and cousins have lost teeth and she has been so happy for them and so patient. She has done everything she could to get those two bottom teeth a little looser so the new ones could grow in. I thought she'd freak when I had to tell her it was time for the dentist to pull them. She handled it like a champ and wasn't even scared! She was named "Patient of the Day" for being so brave! She's so excited for the Tooth Fairy to FINALLY come!

{STAR of the WEEK!!...}

{L2D Tryouts...}

Daisy at her third year of completion tryouts! I was in St. George with my girlfriends so my mom took her. I was so sad to not be there to support her but she practiced hard on her routine and did great!

{Daddy's Girl...}

August 12, 2017

{First Grade...Here they come!!}

These two and all their sass!! School shopping is always an adventure with these darling girlies-:) First grade!! Here they come!!

August 11, 2017

{Cousin Day...}

Discovery Gateway + Splash Pad + Mimi and Papa = Happy Dayton cousins!!

August 10, 2017

{Teach me Grandpa...}


During Daisy's last month of Kindergarten she got to share a show/teach talent-:) She chose how to teach the class how to write their names in bubble letters. She was so nervous at first, but then soon gained her confidence! So lucky she's mine-:)

{Dance Pics 2016...}

This beauty rocked it with her 2nd year in comp! LOVED her pictures so much! Her song title couldn't have been more fitting..."Momma I'm a BIG girl now!!"

{Ballet Review Day...}

In May Daisy had her first ever Ballet review-:) She was so entertaining and the cutest one there! As Miss Sara was rehearsing their ballet center floor work she would hold up her fingers counting how many more times the dancers had to do the exercise. Daisy was dead serious and used her fingers the same as the teacher. It was hilarious and everyone had a great laugh! Love my little ballerina!

{Some "Bunny" is 5 Months?!?...}

Some "Bunny" turned 5 months!! I can't believe I'm doing another monthly milestone post! Time needs to slow down! YOU...continue to be the smiliest and happiest little dude! You have been super sick this week and have smiled through it all. You are 15 1/2 lbs of pure deliciousness! You are obsessed with your toes, you grab everything in sight, you rolled from you tummy to your back, and back to your tummy, you love your jumperoo, obsessed with your blue bunny cuddles, king of blow outs, you think your sissy is the funniest and she's your very favorite! We couldn't love you more sweet Dash!