August 10, 2017

{7 Months...}

Happy 7 months to our little ray of SUNSHINE!! Dash you really are just that...pure sunshine. You are the happiest little thing and you are such a little love! You love apples, peaches, bananas, and sweet potatoes. You have started reaching your arms out for us and it might just be my favorite! Bath time is a favorite of yours and the way your little legs cross when you sit melts me. You are a WILD bather and love to splash everywhere!! You aren't interested in crawling yet but you can scoot on your back across the room at lightning speed! You swam for the first time this month, and rode on the carousel. You still have the worst eczema on your back but it doesn't seem to bother you much. You take three naps a day and sleep about 10 hours each night. We adore you little man!

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