August 10, 2017

{Red, White, Blue...Dash is 8 months New!!...}

Red, White, Blue...Dash is 8 months new!! Baby have 5 teeth and are getting ready to cut more. You are the biggest flirt and your little squint eyes when you smile melt me. You watched fireworks for the first time this month and LOVED them. You love to wrestle and will laugh so hard. You love to say "Dada" and you also started shaking your head when we say "NO, NO" to you. You love to be in the high chair to see what's going on around you. You sleep and nap like a champ, but you can't sleep without your cuddles. You are such a sweet boy and have the most easy going personality...You have filled the missing piece in my heart and I love you more than you'll ever know! Love~Mommy

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