August 10, 2017

{9 Months?!?...}

Look who's 9 months?!? 9 months in my belly seemed much longer than 9 months out! Where is the time going?!? Dash you continue to bless our lives each and every day! You now weigh 20lbs and are 30in long! I'm a bit obsessed with your chubbiness!! You now have 9 teeth?!? You aren't too interested in eating table food yet though. You started army crawling this month and you are fast! You love dancing with mommy, playing with daddy, pulling your sissy's hair, taking tubbies, being outside, laughing, pointing at everything, being in the stroller and shopping cart, taking your naps with your cuddles, being tickled, making the cutest cheese faces and having EVERYONE wrapped around you little fingers. We love you to the moon sweet boy!

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