July 21, 2021

{Nixelle Banquet...}

End of year Nixelle banquet…What a year! What a team! This year has been nothing short of amazing! These girls are beautiful inside and out and had to overcome some really hard things this year. They were unstoppable! Another state title for the Farmington Nixelle’s! BACK TO BACK BABY! This year is bittersweet for meas I will not be returning to coach next year. I have an exciting adventure with this new chapter in my life that I’m so ready for! I’ve been here from the start and have been so grateful for all the girls I got to help coach and especially for Marci, Shalice, and Sue for letting me take this wild, crazy, amazing ride with you! I will be cheering you on next year! Forever the first! ONE TEAM OUR TEAM!!

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