July 21, 2021

{She's 10!...}

Daisy is 10! My Darling Daisy~ I can’t believe 10 years have gone by since you made me a mother. My world changed in that second and I knew that you were something extraordinary! You are growing up so fast and I wish so much time could slow down. You are kind, sweet, caring, creative, goofy, beautiful, and so sensitive. You know what you want and you work hard to achieve your goals. You’re so talented and you amaze me daily. These last couple of years have been hard on you and I’ve seen your heart be broken much earlier than I ever anticipated that it would.  Daisy girl you are so strong and I’m amazed at your resilience through hard things. I’ve loved watching your thrive and be happy and to see the sparkle come back into that beautiful face of yours. YOU are everything I could have ever hoped for and you are my best friend. I love you so much! Thanks for being mine. Happy 10 Birthday! Double Digits! Love~Mom

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