June 26, 2011

{Blessing Day}...

Today we blessed our sweet baby girl! We did the blessing at our home with just our close family. Adam gave her the sweetest blessing and Daisy did so well during it! Daisy looked absolutely beautiful on her special day! She wore my blessing dress that I was blessed in, so it made it extra special:) I had it updated just enough so that it would be unique to her! I had such a special moment with my daughter as I was getting her all dressed. I was telling her that it was her special blessing day and she just stared at me with her big eyes like she knew exactly what I was saying. It brought me to tears and my mom had to finish dressing her because I'm such a baby! I was just filled with so much gratitude for this little girl that has changed our life forever:) Happy blessing day Daisy girl! Remember what you daddy blessed you with! We love you and are so proud to be your parents!


Brooke and Jonny said...

Ash you are beautiful, what a special day! I'm so glad I've been able to see you at softball games lately. Daisy is the cutest!

Camille said...

she is so beautiful! i just love her cute dress and bow. you and adam look great, what a beautiful family! xoxo

Kroeger Klan said...

So cute!! I love the pictures! It was so fun to see you and Daisy the other day... she is darling!

The Shaws said...

So sweet! I'm so happy for you!!

Jessica Reeves said...

What a special day! She looks so adorable!!! Her dress is so cute!